
Showing posts from June, 2024

2024 Interview with Jade Ashford from Columbus Linden McKinley

  Name:Jaiden Ashford School:Linden Mckinley  Positions played: strong safety, wide receiver  Graduating year:2025 Height and weight: 5–10, 160 What are your personal goals for the 2024 season? Just gaining more exposure to get to the next level. What will you miss the most about your teammates who graduate this year? Their knowledge about the game. I cover a lot of Columbus City League games, and for the most part, the teams have low numbers. As a player, how do you go about trying to get some of your classmates to come out for the team? I just recruit everywhere I go, trying to help kids like me not only get a chance at something different but also a way to get off the streets. What has your biggest moment been as an athlete, in any sport, at any age? Just being a freshman starting on varsity on lindens 2021 season making history for linden first time winning 8 games and first time in the playoffs.  What is the strongest part of your game? I believe my aggressiveness as

2024 Interview with Tyson Pritt from Ripley (W.VA.)

  Name:Tyson Pritt School: Ripley High School Positions played:Quarterback  Graduating year:2025 Height and weight: 6,0,195 What is the best part of being a student-athlete at Ripley High School? The small town atmosphere that Ripley brings and the continuing support for our Ripley football program  In watching some of your Hudl highlights, the most impressive thing to me was that when you are scrambling or running the ball, you always have your eyes downfield. Is there a college or pro quarterback that you pattern your game after? Absolutely, and that player is Joe Burrow; when he receives pressure, he escapes it while maintaining focus on his receivers.  What part of your game do you need to improve on to be a better quarterback? Recognizing when it’s a good time to throw the ball away instead of forcing a play. What is the strongest part of your game? Being able to throw receivers open and also breaking down defensive coverages  How important is it for you as a quarterb

2024 Interview with Conner Green from Logan Elm High School

  Name:Conner Green Logan Elm High School  Positions played: nose guard, center, right tackle Graduating year:2026 Height and weight: 6' 275 What is the best part of being a student-athlete at Logan Elm High School? Being in a tight community where everyone knows everyone. I am also furthering my education. Which side of the line do you feel you are best at? I feel like I'm at my best on the offensive line because I have great footwork and can easily overpower my opponent. Which side of the line is the toughest to play? For me, I would have to say defense cause for my position. I'm either getting double- or triple-teamed. For a lineman, what is the worst weather to play in? The worst weather for a lineman to play in would have to be the hot summer days. What is the strongest part of your game? The strongest part of my game would have to be being able to block a quick defense end; that way, they don't get to my outside shoulder and beat me. What part of yo

2024 Interview with Kade Estep from Wayne HS (WV)

  Name: Kade Estep School: Wayne HS (WV) Positions played: WR/SS  Graduating year: 2025 Height and weight: 6’1 170 lbs How long have you played football, along with the reasons you continue to play? I’ve been playing football since 2nd grade. It’s been a blessing to play for this long, and I thank the Lord for it. I play for the love of the game, for how unpredictable it is, for how competitive it is, and because I seriously have some of the best times of my life once my cleats hit the field.  What are your goals for the 2024 season? A state title for my guys and me is my number one goal. For number 2, it’d have to make the playoffs. A few personal goals of mine are to be an all-state selection, lead my team in receiving yards, and even try to set a school record.  Where on the field do you feel you are best at? Definitely a wide receiver. I’ve always felt that my skill set on the offensive side of the ball outweighed my defensive one.  What is the strongest part of your gam

2024 Interview with Charles Nelson from Archbishop Moeller High School

  Name Charlie Nelson School Archbishop Moeller High School Positions played DE/LS Graduating year 2026 Height and weight 6’3 220 What are your goals for the 2024 season? Win the state and cause havoc in the backfield. What was the high point of the 2023 season? Contributing to winning regionals What is the strongest part of your game? I would say pass rush is my strongest asset. What part of your game must you work on the most to be a better player? I should get better at the running game and gain more weight. Who is the toughest teammate to square up against in practice? Cooper Mccutchan and Sam Hamilton because they are very athletic and hard to get around. What is the toughest part of practice? Conditioning in June is pretty tough right now. What is the best part of being a student athlete at Moeller? I keep busy because I like being busy, so I am always doing something. What is the toughest part of being a student athlete? I definitely manage my time efficientl

2024 Interview with King David Beatty from Bishop Hartley High School

  Name:King David Beatty School: Bishop Hartley High School Positions played: DE/DT Graduating year: 2026 Height and weight: 6'0, 245 lb. What is the best part of being a student-athlete at Bishop Hartley High School? I would say the best part for me is the culture and the togetherness of Bishop Hartley. The things we’re taught go beyond the classroom or locker room. We give four years of high school to receive 40 years plus of success. That’s the best part of being a student athlete at Bishop Hartley High School. What is the toughest part of being a student or athlete?  The toughest part for me is being consistent in managing my schoolwork, athletics, and extracurriculars. I had to sit out a couple games because of academics; it made me realize that it’s always student first, athlete second. Since then, I have been approved in my academics, and I’m ready to live the culture. What were the high and low points of the 2023 season? As I mentioned earlier, I wasn’t able to pl

2024 Interview with Landon Schoonover from Liberty High School (W.VA.)

  Name:Landon Schoonover School: Liberty High School Positions Played:C/MLB—>RT/DT Graduating Year:2025 Height and Weight: 6'1, 250 lbs With this being your final high school season, have you found yourself preparing any differently than you have in the past? I am definitely putting as much effort as I can into preparing for this season. This year is different. It means the most to me. What are your goals for the 2024 season? I am working on bettering myself for the team. What are the goals you are setting for your team this season? State Champs, To the Top. How long have you played football, along with the reasons you continue to play? I’m going into my 10th year; football is just a sport that has helped me control anger and emotion through the years. What has been your biggest moment as an athlete, in any sport, at any age? My biggest moment as an athlete would probably be my interception against Berkley Springs. What has been your most embarrassing moment as an

2024 Interview with Dallas Cowboys Fan and Logan Elm Quarterback Aaron Walters

  Name:Aaron Walters School:Logan Elm Positions played:Quarterback Graduating year:2025 Height and weight: 6’ 205 What are you going to miss from the 2024 class? I’m going to miss most of my friends, but mostly the times we had together. What was the highlight of your 2023 season? Winning MSL and balling out every game. What will you take from last season to motivate you for this season? The playoff loss and the last two years have been big moments in my life, and I can’t wait to get back to that stage. What do you believe is the strongest part of your game? Being able to keep plays alive and throw them anywhere. Which part of your game do you feel you have to improve on the most? My agility—I worked on that a lot. I feel like I’m in the best shape I’ve been in. Would you share with everyone some of the camps you have attended, and what are the biggest things you are learning from the camps? I attended a lot of camps, and I took a lot away from all the camps. Some of th

2024 Interview with Camden Bonner from East Fairmont High School (W.VA.)

  Name: Camden Bonner School: East Fairmont High School  Positions played: Dline/Oline Graduating year 2025 Height and weight: 5'9, 200 With this being your final high school season, have you found yourself preparing any differently than you have in the past? I’m just putting in the most work that I can, knowing it’s my last year. I think I’m in the best shape I’ve been in, with more muscle. What are your goals for the 2024 season? I got the first team conference last year. I'm trying to put in the work to make all states this year. I also want to make the 1000-pound club. What are the goals you are setting for your team this season? Make it back to the postseason and win a game for sure, trying to get better than losing the first round anymore, and try to make it a standard. We got a lot of underclassmen this year. We just need to use the depth that we have and just go hard. How long have you played football, along with the reasons you continue to play? I’ve been p

2024 Interview with Braydon Hendricks Liberty High School (Harrison) WV.

Name: Braydon Hendricks School: Liberty High School (Harrison) Positions played: OT and DT Graduating year:2026 Height and weight: 6’4 285lbs What are your goals for the 2024 season? to better myself as the day goes. always try to be better than I was the day before. What goals have you set for your team? State Champs, nothing more or less. What is the most rewarding part of being the left tackle? getting the opportunity to anchor the left side of the line and ensuring that the Qb is safe from pressure on the left. What is the toughest part of playing on the offensive line? I would definitely have to say that staying confident is a hard thing to do. They say an offensive lineman is like a bad a/c; we only get seen when not working.  For a lineman such as yourself, what is the worst type of weather to play in? I would personally say straight, dry heat. There's already a lot of heat in the trenches, so with the heat beating down on you, it definitely isn’t the best. Tu

2024 Interview with Bryce Snyder from Nitro High School (WV.)

  Name:Bryce Snyder  School: Nitro High School Positions played:LB/RB/FB/G/C/DT Graduating year:2026 Height and weight: 6'0,230 What is the best part of being a student-athlete at Nitro High School? The amount of student-athlete support and help is sure. What is the toughest part of being a student-athlete? Keeping up with work in class. What are your personal goals for the 2024 season? I want 20+ tfls and 100+ tackles. What is the strongest part of your game? Probably my tackling, zone coverage, and my ability to watch a film, break it down, and call out the opponent's plays. Which part of your game must you improve on to be a better player? Probably man coverage  Have you gone to any camps so far? If so, which camps, and what were the things you learned at the camps? I have gone to one camp, and I learned that coaches are very serious about your grades. Who is the toughest player to face off against in practice? Eli Littlejohn, for sure. What is the toughes

2024 Interview with quarterback Michael Corcoran from Williamsburg

  Michael Corcoran School Williamsburg High School  Positions played QB Graduating year 2025 Height and weight 6’3 200 You play football, baseball, and basketball. Could you list how long you have played each sport? I have been playing football since I was in kindergarten. I’ve been playing baseball since 5th grade. I have been playing basketball since 1st grade. Of the three sports you play, which one are you hoping to play in college? Football, That’s been my dream since I was little—to go to the next level in football. What is the toughest defense for you to face in a game? Cover 4 defense. What is the toughest part of practice? The toughest part is the practice ending. What has been your biggest moment as an athlete, in any sport? Throwing my first touchdown against Little Miami my sophomore season. What has been your most embarrassing moment as an athlete? Throwing my first pick six against Winton Woods my sophomore season. It was a very humbling experience. W

2024 Interview with Landon Hittle from WEST CLERMONT HIGH SCHOOL

  Name:Landon Hittle School: West Chester High School Positions played: WR and RB Graduating year:2026 Height and weight: 5'8" (175 What are the reasons you play football, and could you let the readers know when you started playing? I started playing because I fell in love with the game at an early age. I started playing in the third grade. What are your goals for the 2024 season? ALL ECC, above a winning record! What goals are you setting for your team this season? A deep run in the playoffs What is the best and worst part of practice? The best part of practice is the competition within the team; there are tons of them at WC. The worst is when it ends. Which game are you looking forward to the most this season, along with the reason why? Anderson. We want to open people’s eyes; we’re coming different this year.  What is the strongest part of your game? Physicality and speed Can you share with everyone some of the camps you have gone to or plan on going to? I

2024 Interview with Trenton Dixon from West Clermont

  Name:Trenton Dixon School:West Clermont  Positions played: wide receiver and corner back Graduating year:2025 Height and weight: 5–10, 145 LBS What makes being a student athlete at West Clermont special? As a student athlete at West Clermont, I’m given the opportunity to succeed at high levels on the field and in the classroom, along with some of the best coaches to play the game of football, holding us all to high standards on and off the football field. What is the toughest part of your game? Personally, for me, the toughest part of my game would be staying focused on my game outside of the field, with that being making sure I’m eating right, drinking right, or taking care of my body. Can you share with the readers the camps you plan on attending, along with any you have attended? Today I attended Mount Saint Joseph camp, where I had an amazing performance, and in the future I plan to attend Kentucky Wesleyan, Thomas Moore, and Ohio Dominican. What are you learning at th

2024 Interview with Brycen Tuell from Raceland High School (Ky.)

Name:Brycen Tuell School:Raceland-Worthington High School Positions played: All line positions on both sides of the ball Graduating year:2027 Height and weight: 5’10” 210lbs What are your goals for the 2024 season? Earn a starting position. Center or tackle—which one are you better at? I personally think I am better at tackle. Center or tackle—which one do you like playing more? Explain  Tackle without a doubt; however, I am willing to play any position that I am needed at. What is the strongest part of your game? I think I play with a chip on my shoulder, which is a huge help when it comes to playing offensive line. What part of your game must you improve on to be a better player? I need to become stronger in general. What has been your biggest moment as an athlete, in any sport, at any age? Middle School State Playoffs  What is the best and worst part of a Raceland High School practice? The worst part of practice for me personally was the scout team last year, as we

South escapes North in West Virginia North- South all-star game 21-20 OT

  Just missed On Saturday morning, I made my way from Columbus, Ohio, to South Charleston, West Virginia, to take in the West Virginia North vs. South game. I.M.O., this game is played when all-star games should be played, and that is Saturday afternoon, and the crowd this one brings shows that that statement could be true. Early in the opening quarter, Luke Hudson (University) hit Landon Frey (North Marion) for a nice 15-yard catch on third and nine. Later in the quarter, Hudson found Brayden Carder (Lewis County) for 14 yards. The South defense got the early hit of the game when Ethan Holliday (Greenbrier West) leveled Zach Bender (Spring Mills) for a four-yard loss after the reception. The scoreless opening act ended with a powerful four-yard run from Gavin Moore (Brooke), who came close to breaking off a much longer run. With 8:27 left in the half, Tyler Wise (Brooke) got to Matt Frye (Scott), holding the dangerous quarterback to a tiny gain. At the 7:43 mark of the quarter, Anth

2024 Interview with Head Coach Nick Osborne from Western Brown

  Name:Nick Osborne School: Western Brown High School Position: Head Coach/Offensive Coordinator College: Northwest Missouri State University, Masters Degree in Physical Education and Health Would you share with everyone your coaching career, from your first job up to your current position? I began my coaching career at Anderson High School in 2016 through 2019. In 2020, I was named the head coach at my alma mater, Western Brown High School. Who are some of the coaches you have learned the game from, and how much of what you have learned from them have you incorporated into what you do? My biggest mentor is Evan Dreyer at Anderson High School. Coach Dreyer was my head coach. during my playing days at Western Brown. I have been around him for the last 15 years. I was a player in his system as well as a coach. I have incorporated a fast-tempo offense that I have learned from him over the years. We must practice and lift how we play; everything must be high-paced. What are your th

2024 Interview with Jacob Jenkins from Ironton

  Name:Jacob Jenkins School: Ironton High School  Positions played: center, offensive tackle, nose guard, defensive tackle, and defensive end Graduating year:2025 Height and weight: 6’2 290lbs With this being your final high school football season, have you found yourself preparing any differently? I’ve been working way harder this off-season than I ever have in the past 3 years. What are your goals for the 2024 season? Win state Which game are you looking forward to the most this season? Beating Burg What is the best part of being a student-athlete at Ironton High School? The community and the family like the bond the team and staff have. What is the most difficult part of being a student-athlete at Ironton High School? Maintaining your time for school work and practice Center or defensive line, which is tougher to prepare for? Center; you need to know what you’re doing on all the plays and sometimes what the whole line is doing on the play. Center or defensive line,

Muskingum Valley toys with Licking County in all-star game 40-26

  On Friday, I made the drive from Columbus, Ohio, to New Lexington to catch the Licking County vs. Muskingum Valley All-Star game played at Jim Rockwell Stadium. Licking County would try a fake punt deep in their own territory, but Muskingum was prepared for it with Caneron Barnhouse (John Glenn) easy-planting Jacob Wheeler (Licking Valley) into the turf well short of the first down marker. Riley Woodie (Coshocton) caped off the 6-play 29-yard drive with a 4-yard touchdown run to make this a 6-0 game, with 8:51 showing on the first quarter clock. Later in the quarter, Ashton Sensibaugh (Tri-Valley) would be tackled on his own 12-yard line when he tried to make something out of nothing, when the long snapper snap was bad on a punt try. Brayden Bayles (Heath) would scramble to his right, avoiding a few would-be tacklers to waltz into the end zone, tying this one up at six. Noah Musick Granville gave Licking County the 7-6 lead when his point-after-kick was true. Woodie would pick u