2024 Interview with Brody Coleman from Notre Dame


Brody Coleman

Notre Dame

Right Tackle and Defensive End


6’2” 242lbs

How long have you played football, along with the reasons you continue to play? 

I have been playing football since kindergarten. I love the physical aspect of the game and being with my friends. 

You play both football and baseball for Portsmouth Notre Dame. Which of the two sports do you feel you are best at? 

Football because hitting a baseball is very hard. 

What’s been the highlight of your athletic career so far? 

Individually, having five sacks versus Berne Union. Team: winning the SOC in baseball in 2023

What are your personal goals for the 2024 season? 

Win SOC lineman of the year and break the school sack record of 13.

What goals are you setting for your team? 

Win the SOC and make it to the 3rd round of the playoffs.

What are your thoughts on having your home games at Spartan Stadium? 

It’s pretty cool playing where an NFL team plays.

What is the best part of being a student-athlete at Notre Dame? 

Being in a small school, everyone knows everyone and is pretty close, like family. 

What is the toughest aspect of being a high school student-athlete? 

Putting in the time for practice and the weight room while still focusing on getting good grades

Who is the best player you have faced on the diamond and on the football field? 

We went to Orlando for spring break in 2023 and faced some very good baseball players, but locally, I would say Jon Knapp from Green. In football, either JJ Miller QB from Williamsburg or Brandon Oldaker LB from Eastern Meigs

With this being your final high school football season, are you preparing any differently? Explain

Not really. I’ve always tried to work hard in the weight room and practice hard, but I am cherishing each moment. 

After the season is over, if you are invited to play in any all-star games, will you? 

Yes, it would be an honor to be invited and get to play with and against really good players.

If you are hearing from any colleges, would you name some of them? 

Capitol University and Kentucky Christian University have reached out to me.

What is your favorite class or subject? 

My aunt is the art teacher at Notre Dame Elementary.

Who is your favorite pro-football team? 

Cincinnati Bengals 

What is your go-to snack?




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