2024 Interview with Berne Union Head Coach Tony Hurps


Tony Hurps

Berne Union 

Head Football Coach

What are you going to miss the most from the 2024 class?

Their work is off-the-field. There is a lot that we ask of our players in terms of culture and program development. We started Sunday Night Lights for our youth last spring, and this past fall we ran our own flag football league within Berne Union Elementary, and our players were their coaches. I asked for an extra hour from them after practice each week and two hours after film on Saturdays, and I never heard a complaint from any of my players.

There are some big things happening at Berne Union surrounding the football program. Can you share with the readers just what the changes are?

We just finished redoing the football field with turf, along with resurfacing our track in the fall, and currently our field house is being built, which will give us a beautiful indoor space with multiple basketball courts, a weight room, a locker room, and meeting space. It is anticipated that it will be completed for workouts this summer.

Coming off of a tough 2023 season that saw the Rockets finish 2-9, what must go differently this year to make sure that type of season does not occur again?

It starts in the weight room, with leadership from our upperclassmen. Last year was the lowest attendance I have had since I have been the head coach at Berne Union, and our numbers dipped a bit as well. This year we anticipate an increase in our numbers, and our attendance in the weight room has been back to the level we expected.

How important is it for all of the lower-level teams in the system to run the same type of offense and defense as the varsity does?

I think that is one of the simplest ways to grow and improve as a program, but it is also one of the most difficult things to implement. I have been working towards this since I took over, but there has been pushback. However, if there hasn’t been stability in a varsity program like it was at Berne Union, the people in charge of the lower levels are more hesitant to change what they are used to doing.

How important is it for the lower-level teams in the system to play a full schedule?

This has been another challenge of ours. We have been on the edge of being able to play a JV schedule, but it is difficult to find teams to play that are similar in size, and then you run into having to cancel games due to injury or a drop in numbers. I am a firm believer that in order to get better, you must play, so we will always strive to create a schedule that gives our younger players that opportunity.

Coaching at smaller schools can be a big problem. As a coach and former player, who was really good? What do you and your staff do to try and get students to come out for the team?

When I played, it was just the expectation. You played football. We try to create unique experiences to make them fun to be a part of. We hold our Rocket Draft every year, breaking our seniors into four different teams, and they draft the underclassmen, and I record the first three rounds for our community to see. I have them over at the house and cook them a meal, then they compete by playing video games, darts, and foosball for first pick. We hold a signing in the spring for all of our 8th graders who plan to play on the high school team, and if we reach certain goals for grades and attendance, I will reward them with donuts or a t-shirt.

What are your thoughts on girls playing football?

I think it is a good thing. It isn’t for everybody, but there have definitely been some girls who have excelled at various levels in the sport. I have always told any girl who had an interest that they were welcome, but they needed to work just as hard as everyone else.

What are your thoughts on student-athletes playing multiple sports?

I encourage it. At a small school, as coaches, we must support playing multiple sports. I think it helps kids develop as athletes and prevents overuse injuries. I have seen so many injuries from athletes recently who just play one sport year-round, not getting a break from that particular sport or movement. However, it can be difficult if coaches are not on the same page in terms of weight training in-season and off-season. 

What do you look for when trying to schedule non-league games?

We are looking for schools comparable to ours, but I also look for some tougher opponents to prepare us for postseason play. With the expanded playoff format, it has allowed us to feel better about scheduling some teams that, in the past, we may not have considered.

How much time in practice is spent on the kicking game?

For us, Mondays are a big special teams day, and we practice each area one more time on Tuesday or Wednesday each week. We have had a lot of success in the return game. We emphasize the importance of the kicking game and have been fortunate to have some good kickers.

As the head coach, what do you do to try and get your players recruited?

I create relationships with college coaches and am upfront and honest with those coaches as well as my players about where their ceiling is. We meet and talk about goals, so I know who has those aspirations of playing collegiately, and we develop a plan of attack. I try to stay with them about applying, filling out recruiting questionnaires, following up with coaches, and staying up to date on their grades. We will also input their information into the various recruiting databases as well. 

This is the tough question. Do you feel that private schools have an unfair advantage over public schools?

I think it depends on the situation. There are private schools that don’t take advantage of or abuse their ability to bring in students from outside of their district. However, there are plenty of schools that abuse their ability to bring in players when public schools cannot. I will say that I am not a proponent of having two separate tournaments like some states have.

Who are your favorite and least favorite pro football teams?

Well, I am a Browns fan, so my least favorite team has to be the Steelers.

What is the one food you refuse to eat?

I don’t know if I have a hard time with any food. I am usually open to giving everything a try, but I’m not a fan of tuna and pork chops.

What was the last book you read, along with the author?

Ohio High School Football by Carl Benhase



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