2024 Interview with two-sport athlete Madyx Gruber from Wilson High School (Pa)


Big things are in store for this hard-working future star. Keep your eyes on him not only this coming season but in 2025 too.

Madyx Gruber

Wilson High School



Entering the 2023 season, what personal goals had you set for yourself, and did you hit the goals?

My personal goals going into the season were to just try and get on the field, no matter what position it would be. Even if that meant being a special teams player, I was hoping to get time, and I played a lot more than I expected.

What is the best and worst part of a Wilson Bulldog practice?

I think the best part of our practices is when we are competing and going head-to-head against one another, and the worst part would definitely be conditioning. Coach Dahms does not joke about conditioning.

What have been the highs and lows so far as an athlete in your career?

The highs of the season are definitely being around your teammates and creating special bonds with those teammates, which ultimately builds chemistry. The lows are definitely the injury part of the game.

I see that you play football and basketball for Wilson. Which sport do you feel you are the best at?

I feel like I’m best at basketball. I have been playing all my life, and it’s the game I fell in love with.

I also see you play point guard and wide receiver. Which of the two positions is harder to prepare for? Explain

I feel like wide receiver is harder to prepare for because you have to watch films and study defenses to see what their tendencies are, like, do they shade outside or are they head up on the inside? As a point guard, you kind of just know if you are going up against a good defender.

You guys went 7-4 overall and 5-1 in the conference. Which loss was the hardest to take?

The hardest loss to take was definitely the Manheim Township game because it was for the Lancaster-Lebanon championship.

Who was the best team you faced last season, and what made them so good?

Manheim Township was definitely the best because they could throw the ball to great receivers whenever they wanted and also had a strong run game that was hard to stop.

Who is the best player you have ever faced on the field or on the court, along with the team he played for?

The toughest player I played on the football field was Landon Kennel, who went to Manheim Township.

Which road game do you look forward to the most, along with the reason?

The road game I’m looking forward to the most is our first game because it is away at Cheltenham and is our first game.

Where should the state finals be held?

I think states should stay at Cumberland Valley because I think they have one of the coolest stadiums with the lights and the Jumbotron. I think it should stay how it is.

Are you getting recruited in either sport? If yes, could you list the sport and the team that is recruiting you?

I am not being recruited for any sport as of right now.

What must you improve on the most to be a better player on the field this year?

I think I have to train my footwork, strength, and speed the most this year.

What was the last book you read along with the author?

The last book I read was called The Great Gatsby, and it was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

X-Box or Play Station?


What is your favorite meal, and who cooks it the best?

My favorite meal is called gnocchi soup, which is made by my mother.




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