2024 Interview with Hard working Jaikyh Z. McIntyre from East High School (Akron)


Name: Jaikyh Z. McIntyre

East High School (Akron)

Positions played at LB, strong safety, slot, and outside are basically wherever my coach feels like he needs me.

Graduating year 2025

Height and weight 6’0 165

With this being your final high school football season, have you found yourself preparing for the upcoming season differently than you have in the past?

Way different

What have you learned about your team during practices so far leading up to the opening night kickoff?

We all have talents that we display; we are all different in our own ways, and that’s what makes us so fun to watch. 

Where on the field do you feel that you are best at?

I feel best when I’m outside blocking, and I’ll have fun going for a few routes.

What is the strongest part of your game?

My blocking 

Which part of your game have you worked on the most during the off-season?

My blocking and footwork for DB

What is the best part of being a student-athlete at Akron East High School?

We get to play where most legends are produced! 

What is the toughest part of being a student-athlete?

Making sure I do what’s best in front of the younger groups 

What will it take for you guys to beat Chaney on Friday night?

I’m a firm believer in less talking and more action, so we will just have to see about that.

What are your personal goals for the 2024 season?

My goal is to at least play in college next year.

What goals are you setting for your team this season?

Honestly, I just hope we can be positive.

After the season is over, if you are invited to play in any of the all-star games, will you?

Yes, I will.

With Hudl and Twitter being used by college coaches, how often do you update your pages?

Once every month.

What is your favorite class or subject?

Math or welding 

What is your go-to snack? 


Outside of sports, what are you doin


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