2024 Interview with Jacob Jenkins from Ironton


Name:Jacob Jenkins

School: Ironton High School 

Positions played: center, offensive tackle, nose guard, defensive tackle, and defensive end

Graduating year:2025

Height and weight: 6’2 290lbs

With this being your final high school football season, have you found yourself preparing any differently?

I’ve been working way harder this off-season than I ever have in the past 3 years.

What are your goals for the 2024 season?

Win state

Which game are you looking forward to the most this season?

Beating Burg

What is the best part of being a student-athlete at Ironton High School?

The community and the family like the bond the team and staff have.

What is the most difficult part of being a student-athlete at Ironton High School?

Maintaining your time for school work and practice

Center or defensive line, which is tougher to prepare for?

Center; you need to know what you’re doing on all the plays and sometimes what the whole line is doing on the play.

Center or defensive line, which do you feel you are better at?

I feel like I’m better at defensive line.

Who is the toughest teammate to square up against at practice?

Aiden Layne has the best technique and footwork I’ve ever seen.

After the season is over, if you are invited to play in any of the statewide all-star games, will you?

Most likely yes

What is the strongest part of your game?

Strength and size

Can you share with everyone some of the camps you have or will attend, along with what you have been able to learn at the camps?

I’m still setting up camp dates, so I'm not sure which ones I’ll be attending yet.

Would you share with everyone some of the schools that are recruiting you?

I don’t really have any teams looking at me at the moment.

What is your favorite type of music?

Hip-hop and rap

What is your favorite sports movie?

The Blind Side, or the Water Boy

What is your go-to snack?

Gummy bears



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