2024 Interview with Conner Green from Logan Elm High School


Name:Conner Green

Logan Elm High School 

Positions played: nose guard, center, right tackle

Graduating year:2026

Height and weight: 6' 275

What is the best part of being a student-athlete at Logan Elm High School?

Being in a tight community where everyone knows everyone. I am also furthering my education.

Which side of the line do you feel you are best at?

I feel like I'm at my best on the offensive line because I have great footwork and can easily overpower my opponent.

Which side of the line is the toughest to play?

For me, I would have to say defense cause for my position. I'm either getting double- or triple-teamed.

For a lineman, what is the worst weather to play in?

The worst weather for a lineman to play in would have to be the hot summer days.

What is the strongest part of your game?

The strongest part of my game would have to be being able to block a quick defense end; that way, they don't get to my outside shoulder and beat me.

What part of your game must you improve on to be a better player?

I need to work on improving to the second level to block a linebacker or corner down field.

Would you share with us some of the camps you have attended?

Yeah, some of the camps I have attended are Findlay, Kent State, the University of Michigan, Bowling Green, Toledo, and Marshell.

Who is the toughest teammate to face in practice?

The toughest teammate for me to face in practice would have to be another left tackle, Abram Montgomery.

What is the toughest part of practice?

The toughest part of practice would have to be when the young guys don't listen or pay attention and have to run because of it.

Who is the best player that you have faced in a game, along with the team he played for?

Jaden Ball would have to be the best player I have ever played against, and he played for Bloom Carroll.

Where should the state finals be held?

State finals should be held in the Ohio State Stadium.

What has been your biggest moment as an athlete?

The biggest moment for me as an athlete would have to be making it to state for wrestling as a sophomore.

Who is your favorite athlete?

My favorite athlete would have to be Zak Zinter or Gable Steveson.

Outside of sports, what are you doing for fun?

I love to go to the gym and hang out with friends and family.

What toppings go on your pizza?

Pep, cheese, sausage, ham, and I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but pineapple also belongs to my pizza.


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