2024 Interview with Hillsboro High School JaHari Pitts powerlifter and football player


JaHari Pitts

Hillsboro High School 


Class of 26

After all of the practices were completed leading up to your opening games, what goals had you set for yourself, and were you able to achieve those goals?

My goals were to just do my job and not try to do everyone else’s job on the field. These goals were partially achieved, but I really saw the outcome during midseason as we bounced back from a 1-3 start to the season to a 3-game winning streak.

What is your favorite part of practice?

I gotta go with defensive practice days because we do offensive and defensive line 1 on 1s on this day, which at Hillsboro we really enjoy doing.

What is the worst part of Hillsboro practice?

The lineman in me wants to say conditioning, but there really isn’t a bad part about our practice; we like to drill our plays and get better each day we get a chance to be out there on the practice field.

What were the high and low points of the 2023 season?

The highs were definitely beating Chilicothe for the first time in school history, I believe, and the first time beating Chilicothe, Miami Trace, and Washington Courthouse in the same season. The Lows were definitely losing to Western Brown in our season opener when we started off with a 20-0 lead and they came back to win 38-27. Sometimes we just get tired out there; we only have 30 kids, and we mostly just play 13 guys total, so we get tired sometimes, which caused us to lose the Western Brown game. Losing to Greenfield was another low in our season that none of us expected to lose, which hurt, but we are working hard in the offseason to make sure that never happens again. 

You play on both sides of the ball (offensive tackle and defensive end). Which side of the ball do you prefer to play on? Explain

I prefer to play defensive end because I like hitting people and rallying to the ball with my teammates. I really enjoyed playing offensive tackle too, but I will be moving to offensive guard this upcoming season to replace our senior offensive guard.

Offensive tackle or defensive end. Which is the hardest to prepare for? Explain

I got to go with offensive tackle, mostly because of the many defensive fronts a team can throw at you, which causes me to watch more film and to breakdown what I would be doing against what front in our offense.

The Indians finished 5-6 overall. Which team was the best you faced, and why do you feel they were so good?

It’s either Jackson or Celina. Every year we play Jackson, we have to prepare more for them than any other team we play. They always bring the energy, and they get the guys to make the plays. We played Celina in the playoffs, and they were really solid as well; they made it to the final four of the state playoffs. They played fast and physically, and we couldn’t keep up.

Just looking at the road games you have played, which stadium had the best overall atmosphere? Explain

Jackson, for sure. They have a massive stadium, and their fans sure do bring the energy every time we play them at Jackson.

You are also into power lifting. How long have you been at that?

February 3rd was my first meet, and I got first place in bench press with a lift of 295 pounds. I’ve never power lifted before, so it was a new experience, but I’ve always loved to be in the gym and to lift weights, so I enjoyed my experience, and I am definitely looking forward to participating in some more meets.

How do you feel power lifting can help you with football?

It will definitely make me more explosive and stronger, which will help me become a better football player and athlete.

Where do you believe the state finals should be held?

It should be held in the Ohio State Buckeyes stadium. I’m a Buckeyes fan, which mostly helps my decision with this, but it would be a great environment for some high-level high school football.

What have you been doing in the off-season other than power lifting to help you become a better player?

I’ve been doing a lot of agility work, including ladders, dot jumps, box jumps, and some other explosive quick-foot movements.

What is your favorite class or subject?

I have to go with my weightlifting class or my English class.

Where is the best local spot to grab a bite?

Taco Bell is my personal favorite.

What is one food you will never eat?

Pickles, for sure.



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